Terraforming a planet- technically meaning: to make more Earth-like in nature and specifically in this context to make capable of supporting life for the eventual goal of adapting the environment to be sustainable for humans to live and thrive in.

Bio-Terraforming- a specific type of terraforming utilizing the principles of ecology to generate a thriving ecosystem that alters the environment to its own liking. The theory behind this concept is that lifeforms will adapt their environment to make it more suitable to their survival just as a species adapts over generations to better survive in its environment.

Panspermia- the hypothesis that life may exist spread throughout the universe thanks to extremophiles having been carried by asteroids, cosmic dust, solar winds, contamination of spacecraft, asteroids and other possible means of transportation by which microorganisms may have been proliferated throughout the universe.

Keystone species- a species in an environment that other organisms are highly dependant on. These species often fulfill altruistic niches and / or provide ecosystem services that other species do not, such as keeping a certain invasive population in check, building dams that protect many species from harsh winters, or change the terrain in some useful way.

Autotroph- an organism that produces its own energy as opposed to ingesting other organisms for nourishment.

Photoautotroph- a specific type of autotroph that draws energy from light. Photosynthesis in plants is the most popular example of photoautotrophism- however it is important to note that plants conducting photosynthesis also receive sustenance from water and soil in addition to sunlight.

Chemolithoautotroph- a specific type of autotroph that breaks down chemical compounds in the lithosphere (namely minerals or decaying matter) for its own nourishment. This process is an integral part of many ecosystems that rely on the break down of rocks, shells, and dead plant matter for new nutrients to become available for organisms to take from the environment.

Extremophile- an organism capable of surviving in extreme environments such as incredibly hot, cold, toxic, or nutrient devoid biomes.

Acidophile- survival in conditions of pH 3 or below

Alkaliphile- survival in conditions of pH 9 or above

Anaerobe- Survival despite lack of present oxygen

Obligate/ Facultative-obligate environmental facets are those that an organism requires whereas facultative facets are those that an organism can survive in spite of

Trophic levels- these are essentially the classification system of ecosystemic complexity. A first trophic level organism is an autotroph of some sort, whereas a second trophic level organism is one that feeds on first trophic level organisms and a third level feeds on first and second level and so on. By nature, a third trophic level cannot exist without a sufficient primary trophic level for which the higher levels may feed on.

Betaproteobacteria- Largely attractive due to their ability to breakdown perchlorates and produce O2 and innocuous Cl- . Seem to favor living on host organisms. Contain chemolithoautotrophs as well as heterotrophs. Apparently key to several elemental cycles as well as maintaining soil pH.